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dc.contributor.authorDenisov, E.-
dc.contributor.authorTsyganov, M.-
dc.contributor.authorTashireva, L.-
dc.contributor.authorZavyalova, M.-
dc.contributor.authorPerelmuter, V.-
dc.contributor.authorCherdyntseva, N.-
dc.description.abstractChemotherapy response is composed of drug resistance and sensitivity. Previously, we found that intratumoral heterogeneity of invasive ductal breast carcinoma not otherwise specified (IDBC NOS), presented by the different types of morphological structures (tubular, trabecular, solid, alveolar structures, and discrete groups of tumor cells) displaying architectural arrangements of tumor cells may influence on chemotherapy response (Zavyalova et al., 2008); however, the mechanism of this effect is unknown...ru_RU
dc.publisherElsevier B.V.ru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesAnnals of Oncology;Volume 23, Supplement 5-
dc.titleIntratumoral Heterogeneity in Expression of Chemotherapy Response Markers in Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma Nosru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Annals of Oncology

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