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dc.contributor.authorLuneva, O.G.-
dc.contributor.authorSidorenko, S.V.-
dc.contributor.authorPonomarchuk, O.O.-
dc.contributor.authorTverskoy, A.M.-
dc.contributor.authorCherkashin, A.A.-
dc.contributor.authorRodnenkov, O.V.-
dc.contributor.authorAlekseeva, N.V.-
dc.contributor.authorDeev, L.I.-
dc.contributor.authorMaksimov, G.V.-
dc.contributor.authorGrygorczyk, R.-
dc.contributor.authorOrlov, S.N.-
dc.description.abstractBackground/Aims: ATP release from erythrocyte plays a key role in hypoxia-induced elevation of blood flow in systematic circulation. We have previously shown that hemolysis contributes to erythrocyte ATP release triggered by several stimuli, including hypoxia, but the molecular mechanisms of hypoxia-increased membrane fragility remain unknown. Methods: In this study, we compared the action of hypoxia on hemolysis, ATP release and the composition of membrane-bound proteins in human erythrocytes. Results: Twenty minutes incubation of human erythrocytes in the oxygen-free environment increased the content of extracellular hemoglobin by ∼1.5 fold. Paired measurements of hemoglobin and ATP content in the same samples, showed a positive correlation between hemolysis and ATP release. Comparative analysis of SDS-PAGE electrophoresis of erythrocyte ghosts obtained under control and deoxygenated conditions revealed a ∼2-fold elevation of the content of membrane-bound protein with Mr of ∼60 kDa. Conclusion: Deoxygenation of human erythrocytes affects composition of membrane-bound proteins. Additional experiments should be performed to identify the molecular origin of 60 kDa protein and its role in the attenuation of erythrocyte integrity and ATP release in hypoxic conditions.ru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesCellular Physiology and Biochemistry;Volume 39, Issue 1-
dc.subjectATP releaseru_RU
dc.subjectMembrane bound proteinsru_RU
dc.titleDeoxygenation Affects Composition of Membrane-Bound Proteins in Human Erythrocytesru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry

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